Monday, June 24, 2013

Seeing God's Work This Week

Hello there! I just joined the CI team since they were in Jakarta along with approximately fifteen others as translators for the CI in Indonesia.

Coming in and doing CI translation is not something new to me. I've translated for four CIs before and I already knew, somewhat, what was coming. I knew what activities we will have, how tired we will be, what lessons we are going to teach. But what I didn't knew, nor have was the heart of the CI team.

Looking back (we're in Bandung now) to the CI in Jakarta I realized that I was not all in. I felt like this was just something I had to do and not something I wanted to do. So why do I need to put everything I have in it? Why should I get involved? But as I got to know the team and be around them, I realized that this is not about a task. It's a ministry and that means it is another great and special opportunity to glorify God.

I'm praying that God will work in every child this week. But not only that, I'm praying also that God will also work mightily in the teacher's and translator's lives as we approach this last week.


"Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." Matthew 16:24


I am privileged to be part of this team and I'm excited to see God's work this week!

Jonathan Hartono
Translator from Indonesia

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