Friday, May 31, 2013

The Trip to Malaysia

It's travel day, a day of packing and repacking to fit all the supplies in everyone's luggage. The exciting news...we were headed to Malaysia to join more of the team the Lord has brought together to serve Him this month. I enjoyed the fellowship on the bus ride, taking in God's beautiful creation as we drove across the landscape of Malaysia, a wonderful opportunity to memorize Ephesians 6:1-6, pray for the trip, and catch a nap... several other team mates enjoyed the nap idea too. As I was memorizing and meditating on the verses we will be teaching the kids here in KL, Malaysia in a few days, Ephesians 6:6 caused me to check my motives and reminded me of how I am to serve. Paul instructs the Ephesians, "...Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart..." This became my prayer, not just for me but for the team, that the Lord will cause us to not think more highly of ourselves than we ought  but to be selfless servants of Christ serving only with God's glory in mind from our hearts. 

Meal time is always an adventure, especially when food is not what you think it is... a team member getting ready to take a bite of what they thought were green beans, only to realize green beans don't have two eyes that look back at you! It's all the adventure of serving in a culture not your own and adapting to it so we can effectively serve the Lord.

So excited to be here in Malaysia serving with people who have blessed my life and encouraged me in my walk with Christ over the past four years, I eagerly anticipate all that the Lord has for us this trip as the team is comes together from the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. We enjoyed an evening of getting to know one another through a few group games and learning how to adapt to a new culture as well as the spiritual state of Malaysia. Please pray for us as we serve here, that God will cause us see the people of Malaysia as Jesus did in Matthew 9:36 "But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd."

Pray with us for Malaysia!

Elizabeth Shoemaker 
Staff Member from USA

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Beginning

And so it begins!

This morning was mostly quiet and slow, (several of us are still working on getting over jet lag). At 11am, we all went out to see Singapore. By the time we made it to where we were going, we started getting hungry. So we decided to eat some lunch. After our delicious meal, we took a short walk to a coffee shop and had a short devotion. Afterwards, we were encouraged to take all of our reasons for coming on this trip, and rate them in order of our own personal priority. Next, we were to take that same list, and put it in God's priority order, then compare both lists.

As I did this simple exercise, I was amazed at how messed up my own agenda for the trip was. Most of my priorities were completely different than what God's priorities would be. I asked Him to help make His desires become my desires, and am confident that He will.

After that we went out for some quick souvenir shopping, followed by taking a lovely walk through the Gardens by the Bay. We found a place to eat there, and enjoyed a meal under the restaurant canopy as a storm threatened to make our return trip wet and miserable. But, as it turned out, it never really rained, and we were able to make it to the train station, hardly feeling a drop (Thanks to God for answered prayer!). We returned on the MRT, tired but happy after a long but enjoyable day. We got back to where we are staying and started getting ready for a good night's sleep.

As this trip stretches before us like a runway, I am so excited to see what God will do in our lives and hearts as we attempt to serve him in the days and weeks to come.

Sam Oliverio

Staff Member from USA

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Not too late to sign up! (KL Seminar)

NOT TOO LATE! You can still sign up for the Children's Institute 2013. Don't miss this once in a life time opportunity with teachers from around the world!
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