Saturday, June 29, 2013

Fullness of the Body of Christ

Today the seminars are over, but our time together as a team is not over. Thank you so much for praying for us! Please keep praying that we stay close to the Word and that the Lord will solidify the truths in our minds and hearts as we go home!

We are grateful for the Holy Spirit illuminating truth in our hearts. A faith that lasts is definitely the desire of my heart; it is what gives me reason and purpose as we are labouring not for this trip alone but for His eternal church - a member is established the moment someone repents and submits to His Lordship!

Today was shopping day! After having a practical and inspiring message by Mr Teh who has served for 20 years as the Southeast Asia CI director, we went off for our final Prayer & Edification Group (PEG) time at a fantastic Indonesian restaurant which held the shape of a ship. My (awesome) prayer group had lunch in a lifeboat, which made a great and memorable experience for us =) We have grown to know each other by learning to be open, share and pray for each other's struggles that we face in our quest to live a life of repentance.

An interesting side note about meals - today, I gave our prayer group a chance to personally choose the food they wanted with a specific budget. Most of the time, we give the team 2 or 3 choices as ordering for a group of 24 requires more structure and orderliness ;) However, today, they were free to choose and funnily, we all bonded over our food choices... deciding to go light and easy on the food, giving us some extra to spend on the delicious drinks. It proved to be part of the memorable experience together as a PEG group. I will really miss our weekly prayer time together as we share what the Lord is teaching us. PEG Group, don't stop sharing and growing, guys! Ray Badudu, Grace Ling, Matthew Glick, Briana Calderon, Eliel Cheang (missing James Pasaribu) - continue to keep the faith! *praying for you all!!*

Back to the report - we continued to shop in the Factory Outlets of Bandung as a team - translators and teachers, as well as the fantastic Indonesian parents who were organizing and planning our Indonesian leg. Thank you so much, Uncle Eddy & Team!

Later that evening, we ate more authentic Indonesian food (meant to be eaten with hands too!) and got bacl, all shopped-out and ready for home. The girls settled down and had a fun time of bonding as it was Girls' Night while the guys recuperated on their own.

Our team's theme this year was "The Fullness of the Body of Christ" - the big picture of what Christ has been doing since he died and rose - resulting in discipleship and submitting to Christ, our Head. I can safely say that the Lord has been teaching me how Iron sharpens Iron, and how to work together as a Body - the Body of Christ... I'm so grateful for teaching me these valuable topics that will be useful for life.

Eunice Peh
Staff Member from Malaysia

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