Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hold the Fort!

I hear an explosion... The ground rumbles... Flares started to flash... My heartbeat was racing.. Cries of children are heard.. Someone shouted "HOLD THE FORT!!"

That someone was me. I was shouting to my assistant "Take turns! Now you're in charge to take control of the fort!" I fled and seeked for "shelter", or else the fort would crumble down by explosion! Taking care of 12 kids with one of them having some special needs to be taken care of was not an easy job at all.

Alright alright... Let's just slow things down for a bit here. SEA CI, 3rd week, Jakarta. It started off really really well, until one of the kids who has special needs came. I had to sacrifice my assistant to take care of that kid, which means that I have to take care of the team all by myself. Which was pretty much an insane idea to me. 

- The cast of the Prodigal Son skit -

I don't understand why God would bring such difficulties throughout my CI journey. I was hoping that it will be a 'pleasant' walk with the Lord during a vacation. But that didn't happen. The Lord stretched me a lot!

- Victor revealing secrets and giving challenges to the student assistants -

The Lord humbled me a lot, He wanted to show me that He is the one in charge of the fort. Not me or my assistant, but He only. I realized that I was relying a lot on my own self instead of leaving it all to Him. I know that He can do greater things if I allow him to be the leader of the fort.

Well to make the long story short, I finally decided to rely on God rather than relying on myself. On the 3rd night in Jakarta, the Lord did a miracle! He touched each of the children's heart. He gave them an ear to listen. Each kid in the team was paying attention, doing the crafts, and asking questions. Now that, was totally unreal! And I know that it was not me. It was Him, working with His mighty hands.

Raddhitya "Brad" Badudu
Team Member from Indonesia

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