Saturday, June 22, 2013

An Ironic Experience

With each subsequent door we opened, it was as if we had entered a new world. The first door led into locker rooms, the next into a room with sinks on the floor and finally we entered a dimly lit room with a hundred recliner chairs, each with a personal screen beside. The ninety minute long foot reflexology session ended up costing around USD$3. It was ironic that such an extravagant experience had such a negligible price tag. I had mixed feelings about it all. On one hand, it was an enjoyable experience but on the other hand, considering how much the lady who was massaging my feet was paid was sobering. And so it is in Indonesia, where the divide between the rich and poor, our hosts' beautiful homes and the orphanage we visited on Wednesday can be unsettling.

We enjoyed a well-deserved off day today. The girls made an early morning trip for the aforementioned experience and later the whole team met together at a mall for some lunch and shopping. Our PEG (Prayer and Edification Group) enjoyed a time of sharing over lunch about how we've personally been doing on the trip. Each one rated how he or she was doing physically, emotionally and spiritually. I was thankful to see the high ratings everyone had which was a testament to how God has been keeping the team this year!

- A stair full of people! -

Over table tennis, basketball and lots of perspiration, the team had an outlet for their energy at a nearby sports centre in the afternoon. The day ended with a dinner hosted by the Indonesian ATI families. We enjoyed the time of fellowship with the amazing people who had made CI possible here!

- Our Jakarta team picture in an unusual location-

So quickly, our time in Jakarta has come to an end and tomorrow we travel to Bandung for our last week of CI. God has been so amazing this trip and as I look back and see His hand in both the small details and the big plans I am full of awe. I am thankful that He changes the hearts of people I thought impossible, I am thankful that through Him I have the power to do what is right, I am thankful that He is in control of all that happens here.

Jolynn Tan
Staff Member from Singapore

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