Saturday, June 16, 2012

God is good!

Hello from Singapore! I'm writing for Saturday, June 16th, and Saturday is a full day in CI! We began in the morning learning about Ownership, Freedom, and Success. Then we got ourselves prepared for Parent Presentation and sang our songs and recited Ephesians 6:10-18 for the parents attending the Basic Seminar. We learned that running in the race of life is a marathon; we don't know how many laps we have to run, but we are called to run well, fighting against Satan's attempts to deceive and distract us and get us to stop running!

After CI finished and we said goodbye to all the kids, we were graciously hosted and fed an amazing meal by the Sim family.

I have loved being back here in Southeast Asia for a second time. God has been good in letting me come on this trip again and it is growing me in my walk with Him. Our focus has been on the gospel and on keeping Jesus Christ at the center of all we do and teach. I have been so grateful for this, as it is the very thing I need to grow more in: allowing Jesus to have His rightful place of first in every area of my life. The question I have been challenged with is do I come to Jesus for His gifts and healing in my life, to have him solve my problems? Or do I come to Him solely for Himself; to know Him and His presence intimately?

We are grateful for your prayers!

- RP

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