Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Asian Fruits 101

Today was a very exciting day on the CI trip to Southeast Asia!!! We were given the amazing oppurtunity to try tons of fruits from Malaysia. Coming from an American girl this was really exciting. Rambutans, dragon fruits, lychees, snakeskin fruits, jambu, jackfruits, pomelos, and mangoes were just a few of the options. They were all very interesting, and I found so many differences in them from the fruits in the States! Some were hairy, had weird textures, random colors and very unique flavors. But very fun to try them all:) My favorite of all had to be the dragon fruit:) It was sweet and yummy and very colorful.

The other great part of the day was the CI it self! I personally love and care deeply for every kid in my group. The lesson today was responsibility, teaching the kids that they are responsible for every thought and action and attitude. And that God knows every thought we have and that nothing can be hidden from him. This lesson really hit home for me as well. And reminded me of the verse in 1 Chronicles 28:9 that says " The Lord searcheth all hearts and understands alll the imaginations of our thoughts. This lesson taught me that my thoughts need to be God honoring and when Satan tempts me to think wrong things that Gods word is always there to memorize and fight away Satans lies!

Thank you for all your prayer and support!

In Christ's love,
Rachel Roets

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