Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Day 10: Seeing the Power of God

Hi, my name is Jeremia Pasaribu and I’m from Indonesia. CI has been a part of my life since I was 5 years old. I’ve always wanted to be a CI teacher because of the lasting impact that my CI teachers left for me.

I come from Indonesia, so I’m used to having “150 kids, 20 kids per team” kind of CI’s. So when we came to Singapore for the second week of CI, I was shocked when Victor said that most teams would only get 2 children. God really showed his power from day 1 of Singapore because after a short prayer with my team just a few hours before CI night started, we got news that our team got 5 kids!

Although our kids are very young, I love the energy that they bring. All of the our kids are under 7-years old and the youngest is 3 years old. Dorcus, my team leader and Tracey, my fellow assistant, are great people to work with. Their planning, energy and just overall love for the children is really awesome to have on a team.

On Wednesday, the CI team went to a day care. The planning and execution of all the songs, games and story was by the teachers and not the staff. Surprisingly, everything went super smooth. It was really touching for me when  left because so many of the kids there said things like, “I hope you guys come tomorrow”.

- Jeremia Pasaribu

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