Tuesday, June 22, 2010
LAST POST by vick :(
I don't think I will be having anymore time to update this blog until the trip is over from now on...so I would really like to share the last lesson God has taught us for this last week in Jakarta Indonesia. I had made a commitment to God before coming on this trip, that I wanted GOD to lead the team and not me. That all I would be is a mouth in position to speak whatever He wanted to say and do with the team. It is constantly hard to break myself of my position and rights, asking God for His instructions and HIS leadership on the team. And God has proven Himself a strong leader by teaching us the truths that He has been doing these past several weeks. The last instructions for the trip were given to us while we were praying last Friday night in Singapore. We were seeking God's face and instructions when He told us yet ANOTHER shocking truth. God gave us His vision for the entire trip, and it was that the students return back home with a change of heart. I was frustrated at first because I had always high expectation of results in my human self, but God rebuked me and told us the problem with some of us. The verse God gave us was 2 Tim verse 3:7. Which says " My people are ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." Also we had Hebrews 5:12 and I was asking God, "what do you mean God? What is it that prevents us from understanding your truths?" And God revealed to us that there were still hidden secret sins in our lives. It doesn't matter if it is just one person, because if one member of the body suffers, we ALL suffer as a team. God said that He is light, and in Him there is NO darkness. Some of us were still having secret darkness in our hearts, and it was protected by pride and defensiveness. We were too used to seeing things in darkness that it hurts to see things in the light of God's truth, THAT is what hinders people from realizing truth. And God also warned us from debating about " GREY " areas, which He said is debating about lukewarmness. Our focus should not be about what we CAN do in lukewarmness. But our focus should be on how we can become HOT and on fire for the Lord. I pray that the team will understand this important lesson and that it will truly set us free even back at home! We thank God again for his lessons and for saving us! I pray that this trip will not be just based on survival, success, but that it will be SIGNIFICANT in God's eyes and history! God's vision for the whole team is that we go home having this trip a significant turning point in our lives that we can share as a testimony to others :) God bless yall and thank you all for praying for us! We wouldn't be where we are today without the prayers of all of you out there! THANK you and God Bless!
"In every victory, let it be said of us...that our source of strength and source of hope is in Christ Alone. "
UPDATE from vick :)
It's been some time since I last gave an update on the trip! Been very busy, had SO MANY great things I wanted to share earlier. Okay, let me start with a quick review of the previous weeks. Remember how I shared about our past growth the previous 2 weeks? Week one, learning how to run the seminars. Week 2: it's not about seminar routine, it's about PURPOSE and LOVE in 1st Cor 13 ( learned to be flexible and sensitive to God's promptings )
NOW for week 3 in Singapore, God struck us with an uncomfortable truth. God told me that we had NO RIGHT to continue teaching the children if our personal lives had no genuine transformation. God warned us from the dangers of being hypocritical leaders when teaching the principles to the children. We had no rights to teach design if we ourselves did not GENUINELY accept God's design for us in OUR own lives. We had NO RIGHT to teach about Authority if we ourselves had a problem with honoring our own authorities. We had no right to teach ownership, responsibility, suffering or freedom if WE ourselves have never EXPERIENCED these truths in our personal lives! Many times over the years, we have come in teaching with head knowledge...but having NO personal convictions or testimonies about how God TOTALLY CHANGED our human perspective and set us on the right path! We NEEDED something to SHARE. An experience that is OURS. NOT teaching what a book says. That's how we SHARE LIFE and it becomes REAL. We repented before God for our hypocrisy, and asked God to change our hearts to help us be a LIVING TESTIMONY to the children and not a CI teaching robot. We Also learned that in order to do this, we needed to yield and give up every area of our lives to God 100%. Then only will our ministry be truly effective and taken to a whole new level that we have never experienced before. It is humbling to be taught that even leaders can be hypocrites, but we wanted to get real and honest before God, ourselves and others we meet and see the world in God's reality.
I am SOOOO grateful to God for truly teaching us life! These lessons save my life and now we truly understand what the Bible means when it says that God's correction and rebuke is more valuable than choice silver and gold. No riches in the world can ever compare with wisdom and life that God teaches us! I Praise God for his mercy and grace that He has poured out to us. THANK YOU LORD SO MUCH FOR SAVING US!!! PLEASE CONTINUE TO TEACH US YOUR WAYS!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
We have arrived in Jakarta!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Thus Far
Eunice Peh
Friday, June 18, 2010
One last day in Singapore!
This week God has blessed me with an extremely energetic group of kids in CI. Our team of kids is so much fun, but I have never taught such a rowdy group of kids before in my life. Praise God for giving me an incredible love for each of these kids, despite their craziness! During each lesson, I am interrupted after every sentence by a different kid wanting to tell me a random comment or story. Whenever we switch activities, I have to yell really loud to get their attention because they are all talking/yelling/screaming/laughing so loudly that they can't hear me otherwise. When the kids leave our classroom, if I don't hold on to them, they take off running and screaming down the hall.
My biggest challenge this week has been one of our 6 year old boys. He is so smart, but he also has an amazing amount of energy, and I think he is the most active kid here in CI this year. The first thing he did when he came into our classroom was crawl under the desks into another team's space and run around in circles on the other side of the room. During large group, he stands up on the chairs and walks all the way down the row (and if I don't grab him, all the way up onto the stage.) He is so adorable, and I love him so much, but I don't know how to make him listen to me. Even after I told him to stop, he kept turning off the lights in the room. When I tell him to walk, he takes off running and screaming down the hall. Even after I take him aside and give him firm instructions, he turns around and forgets everything I've told him.
After CI on Wednesday night, I was so frustrated with our whole group of kids. I felt terrible because I felt like I was doing a terrible job of controlling the kids. I didn't understand why the kids wouldn't behave or listen to anything I said. But praise God for my assistant Jeremy who encouraged me by reminding me that God made these kids rowdy, so that's just the way that they are. The whole time I had been trying to make these crazy kids behave like normal kids, but God changed my attitude, and I started to realize that sometimes, its ok to just let the kids be rowdy.
On Thursday night, I was able to put aside my worries and just have fun with the kids. The kids were still pretty crazy, but I had a much better time because I accepted their rowdiness. While Jeremy finished teaching the craft with the rest of the kids, I took the two craziest boys out to the longest hall I could find. We ran up and down the hall playing tag until they had used up all their energy. When we came back in for my lesson, my crazy kid lay on the floor exhausted, but before the end of my very short lesson, he was already sitting back up and interrupting me every other sentence.
Tomorrow (Saturday) will be our last day with the kids, and it will be a long day: 9am-6pm. Please pray that our kids would be able to sit still and listen long enough to learn what God wants to teach them and for their salvation and growth. Please also pray that God would bless all of us teachers with wisdom, creativity, patience, and energy as we show God's love to the kids.
On Sunday morning we will fly to Jakarta for our last week of CI. Please continue to pray for us as we finish up with our last week of CI in Jakarta!
Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Singapore: Fourth day!
This is Onge, and I am your main reporter for tonight (though I wouldn't be surprised if Lijah sent out an extra bayuwch at two. )
We met at (cue your cheers) 10 AM. It was so super amazing to lie in bed until 9:30, miss the breakfast, and bask in the much-needed rest our heavenly Father has bestowed upon us! At least, that's what I did. When I got down to level two there was some serious cooking prep going on. Claire and a whole bunch of amazing girls were busy making lunch and dessert! Yes, ladies and gents, we have talented girls with yummy hearts.
We also found out our personalities today according to the DISC test, but they're all secrets until tomorrow's blog. Actually, we haven't even shared with everyone else, so you're not missing anything! Victor explained that finding our personalities was going to be for a practical application devotions, so I'm looking forward to that tomorrow.
Taking the personality tests were physically consuming, so we inhaled our lunches of tacos and... um... tortillas? It was soooooooo good. I feel hungry just thinking about it. The sun was shining with a vengeance after yesterday's rain, so the COOKIES, CREAM, AND STRAWBERRIES (Tim says it's called a "delectable treat"), started to melt. It was still good, Claire. Thank you so much!!
CI tonight was truly (to quote Laura) a God-night. Eunice took a rain check, and our God took over! We had two of the best skits that we've had in a while (with my leader in both, thank you very much! That's how funny he is). In the first large group, some of our team acted out the Job story to illustrate the right response to suffering and how everything we have belongs to God. Kudos to Lewis for the soundtrack!
The second large group was awesome too. Vick turned the Joseph story around, and we did a Duggar-themed parable! Rosalee, you were ah-mazing as Josie (Joseph) :D So was Elijah (Jim-Bob Duggar, original character: Jacob). Michelle Duggar was played by Pheobe, and Josie's sisters were Jessa (Priscilla), Jinger (Claire), and Johanna (Marie). I can't forget to mention Mr. Earl and Mrs Pearl, who had their special *air-hugs* (wiggle your brows). Josie really had God's strength to resist Mr. Earl's invitation for an *air-hug*! And president Felber who lived in "The White Cake... yum" did a fantastic job too! I seriously had no idea what was going on when the story started in Hawaii. Good job with making a well-known story new all over again!
That brings me to where I am right now: blogging at 11:55PM! Yes, I did take an hour and that is a clue of the personality type that I am [; Expect photos and videos from today's scavenger hunt, and may the craziest team win!
P.S. Prayers are always appreciated. It's a battlefield out here. God leading us through each assault, and it's wonderful to think of the people who are in the sidelines praying and waiting to divide the spoils [;
Best Day!
Man! Today was the best day that I have had!!!
First, we went on a scavenger hunt. On the scavenger hunt we had to eat durian! Some of the team don't like durian, but it was required, and they told me that they almost lost it. :-D I say it was amazing! We ran up an escalator going the wrong way. Then we had to give an ice cream cone away, and one of us had to convince someone that we were famous. :-) The scavenger was so much fun!!!
Tonight was so good. I got to act in a skit: a modern day story was of Joseph. I played the character of Jim Bob Duggar. My character had four daughters, and their names were Jessa (Priscilla), Jinger (Claire), Josie (Roz), and Johannah (Marie). That was the highlight of the night!!!
God bless,
Elijah Kaneshiro
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
June 16, 2010
I had lots of fun with the kids; they are great! We also got stuck in Mcdonolds. It was ok, but I would have rather slept. I am sooooo tired! Bayuwch, it's 1:26 in the morning! I am going to have to finish later, but overall it was a good day.
God bless,
Didn’t think that was going to happen! (June 16, 2010)
Imagine yourself soundly asleep and all wrapped up in a nice cozy blanket. Then all of a sudden, a horrible sound comes from the other side of the room! BHAM-BHAM-BHAM!!! You jump up on your bed and get yourself into Kung Fu position, ready to take on whatever was making that noise! Then you realize it was just the alarm clock, and you hope no one saw you standing on your bed!
You run downstairs because today you and some friends had planned to go on a bicycle ride along the beach and then sit and read that book that you've been trying to read. But when you get up, you realized that it is raining. No, it is pouring! You then decide that it wouldn’t last long, so you all board the bus and head to your destination: McDonald’s on the beach.
You go inside still thinking the rain wasn’t going to last long. So you order, take a seat, and wait. About half an hour later, you tell everyone to spread out and have their own personal devotions. (Remember, you are still at McDonalds!) So everyone in your group goes off, and after a while they all come back. You all spend time talking, playing with Rubik’s Cubes, and reading because you still think the rain will stop soon. After two hours of waiting, you decide to check what the weather forcast for the rest of the day. Rain, rain and some more rain! You decide call the bus driver and ask him to come back early. When you get back to the hotel, you wonder: Why did I just sit in McDonald’s for two hours?
Well that is exactly what we did today (except for the jumping on bed and Kung Fu!) After we watched the news, we found a good reason why we spent the whole morning at McDonalds. There was a flash flood warning in effect for the area where we had planned to go biking. We also saw that there was a flood on Orchard Road, the place we had planned to go next. We realized that God had kept us stranded at McDonald’s for safety. You see? We had planned on a day of adventure, but we were kept from following through with our plans. Had we not been “stranded,” we could have been caught in the flood. That could have meant no CI for that evening and other possible harm. Who would have thought that God would have used a McDonald’s? I strongly believe that we were kept under this roof for protection, not only for us, but also for the children of Singapore. After all, God does work in mysterious ways.
During CI tonight, I decided to give Victor a break. I told the story, and Victor got to act! We told the typical Mrs. Hockenstock story about Responsibility and Truthfulness. It was fun being able to tell the story! I never thought I would be a story teller for a CI, especially in Singapore. I feel totally honored! But it obviously wasn't because of my skills in story telling. It was because Victor wanted to give me a chance at it. I thank God for Victor everyday because he is an awesome example, encourager and motivator! I’m proud to claim him as a friend!
We continue to ask for your prayers!! We need them now more than ever!
Fully Trusting Him,
Konner Felber
(AKA Mr. Corner!)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A Really Good, All-Around Awesome Day
To start with, breakfast (the free one from the hotel) was really good. :-)
Next was team devotions at 8:30 am. Three members of our team shared testimonies, and we all enjoyed sharing God's work in our lives and worshipping God together.
At 9:30 we left to visit a daycare. This was truly an awesome opportunity for us to witness! The daycare was founded and run on Christian beliefs, so they allowed us to share the Gospel with the kids. It was a golden opportunity for us. These kids are underprivileged and come from average to low income families (though not as poor as the rifle range we saw in Penang last week) but kids are kids no matter where they come from. We enjoyed the opportunity to share Jesus' love with them! :-)
We sang songs like "This Little Light of Mine" and told the story of Zacchaeus (complete with me being the "tree" that he climbs!) It was so fun! Later, I had to "transform" into a table for Jesus, Zacchaeus, and all his sinner friends to eat at. :-) We also got to talk to and take pictures with the children. I have never known what it is like to have so many kids in my lap at ONE TIME!!! I had 3-4 children in my lap and two on my shoulders! Totally smothering AWESOME!!! :-D :-D
From there we went to Bugis Street and shopped for a while. I bought some really cool stuff when I lost my group... but don't worry, I found people again :-) I really enjoyed the place because it was SO CRAMPED AND BUSY AND LOUD!!! :-D :-D I truly loved it... the cacophony of music, the smells of strange fruits and packaged leather :-) totally amazing and relaxing... :-) What a day!!! :-D
From there, we came back to The Hangout and prepared for tonight's CI.
We went to the church where we ate a tremendous dinner that some families had so generously prepared for us. It was soooo good!!! :-D The dishes included were: fish paste in banana leaves, fish meat balls, salad, corn salad, chicken wings and legs, some gelatin-like layered dessert treat, another gelatin thing covered in coconut shreds, pizza, coconut rice, curry vegetables, FRUIT, and something i couldn't quite figure out (even after tasting it)! There was also a whole plate covered with slices of mango, starfruit, guava, papaya, watermelon, and a couple other fruits I couldn't recognize. They SURE TASTED GOOD!!! :-D
The CI tonight was sooo good! It amazes me how God encourages us when we need it. I needed God's reassurance that I had His help in teaching. Tonight, I taught for an entire 40 minutes about authority and how God uses it in our lives for good. The entire time that I taught, the children were totally attentive!
When we came back from CI, Tiffany brought out cheesecakes that SHE had bought for us with HER personal money, and treated us to a delectable dessert!!! It was so sweet of her (in more than one way, haha!), and we really enjoyed that :-) It was a perfect ending to a perfectly awesome day!
Please pray for our team. Several of our teammates have recieved bad news from home in the past few days. Please pray that God would give them peace, strength to continue pressing onward, and continued trust in Him. Thank you for your prayers!
On a lighter note, the highlight of my day was when Victor was introducing himself at the daycare. He went ahead and introduced his sisters too. Then he pointed to me and introduced me as his brother!!! That completely made my day! :-)
Quotable Quotes from the last two days:
"Abraham wanted a son that he could call......... Son."
"Moses was his name, and coolness was his game."
Alrighty! Its going on... lemme see here... 1:31 am. :-) Full day.. so its time to sleep!
Keep praying for our team! Like I said before, Satanic powers are majorly attacking our team, and we need the prayer warriors to buckle down and seek God on our behalf! God can move mountains, and even the greatest stronghold of darkness is nothing under God's mighty hand.
Loving the frontline,
Lewis Carter
Monday, June 14, 2010
June 15, 2010
The team tonight was great, and the kids were amazing! It was the best time I've had so far! I do think that God is going to do something great this week.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
New lessons from God
Just wanted to share something God has been teaching me and the team. The first week we were all about focusing on training to be effective during seminar nights. The second week in Penang, we started to get comfortable and more confident in our stride of teaching and running the Children Institute. We thought we had everything figured out and that the rest of the trip would be smooth sailing all the way! Then God convicted me of the dangers of ROUTINE. We were getting so caught up in our CI performances, Day trips, fun and activities, that we almost forgot about the condition of our hearts. Busyness fills up our time, which may even sometimes take away the important 'alone time' that we need with God. We may be on a mission trip, but even doing God's work without retreating from the realities of the world could cause us to run aimlessly and destroy all the good work we had intended to do. God convicted me of my sin and error of TRYING to run a good show and a fun trip for the teachers instead of LEADING hearts to CHRIST on this trip. If anything causes us to take our eyes off the cross, (even the excuse of missions) then we are failing! We are becoming ensnared in the dangerous trap of running a DEAD ROUTINE!!! Even back home, my ministries could become a distraction from special time needed to check my heart with God! We get so caught up with running through the motions, just going with the flow and at the end of our " successful " trip we feel TOTALLY empty and worn out!!! Then we ask ourselves, " what was that all about??"
We initially had scheduled a scavenger hunt yesterday, but God lead us to cancel it and have every individual check their hearts, motives and desires on the trip asking God for any blind spots that we may have and for Grace to help us to repent and change. It is my fault and responsibility as a leader if we had continued living the trip the way we did! We even dropped our strong routine momentum of teaching the CI curriculum and changed it to emphasizing on teaching AGAPE love to the kids. This weeks kids couldn't understand much English, neither did they have the opportunity to learn 'complicated' words such as responsibility, design, ownership, etc. The curriculum was excellent, but too full of different colors of God's nature for the kids to understand. We didn't want to go with the flow, run the show, teach the curriculum and have the kids totally forget everything they learned in the seminar while went home sharing pictures and stories of what we did with the kids. We decided to focus on the white light instead of the seven colors. We decided to teach the DEEP power of God's Agape love and if all else fails with them forgetting responsibility, design, ownership, suffering, contentment etc, they will never forget the ONE thing we taught them. LOVE NEVER FAILS. We also changed some of the stories tailored for christian kids to stories of salvation and God's powerful amazing love for all of us. Watching the skits help them visualize God's Love as kids learn by visualization.
God totally changed the way we did skits, from trying to make them the funniest most successful skits, to RE-LIVING past legend's experiences and tough choices.
Fun is not a bad thing, but it should not be our focus! Fun will follow behind our mission! We were almost heading down the trip as FUN being our entire MISSION FOR THE ENTIRE TRIP!!!!! I truly thank God for revealing our faults and errors to me, saving my life and the team member's as well from living a dangerous dead routine of fun in the name of missions! God is SOOOO Good and He is taking our second week to a new HIGHER level of experiencing Him and his deep ways! We are growing more in Christ like maturity and are starting to see things through the eyes of God and not our own! Praise our mighty God, ALL the Glory belongs to Him :)
Friday June 11 2010
Just wanted to share something God has been teaching me and the team. The first week we were all about focusing on training to be effective during seminar nights. The second week in Penang, we started to get comfortable and more confident in our stride of teaching and running the Children Institute. We thought we had everything figured out and that the rest of the trip would be smooth sailing all the way! Then God convicted me of the dangers of ROUTINE. We were getting so caught up in our CI performances, Day trips, fun and activities, that we almost forgot about the condition of our hearts. Busyness fills up our time, which may even sometimes take away the important 'alone time' that we need with God. We may be on a mission trip, but even doing God's work without retreating from the realities of the world could cause us to run aimlessly and destroy all the good work we had intended to do. God convicted me of my sin and error of TRYING to run a good show and a fun trip for the teachers instead of LEADING hearts to CHRIST on this trip. If anything causes us to take our eyes off the cross, (even the excuse of missions) then we are failing! We are becoming ensnared in the dangerous trap of running a DEAD ROUTINE!!! Even back home, my ministries could become a distraction from special time needed to check my heart with God! We get so caught up with running through the motions, just going with the flow and at the end of our " successful " trip we feel TOTALLY empty and worn out!!! Then we ask ourselves, " what was that all about??"
We initially had scheduled a scavenger hunt yesterday, but God lead us to cancel it and have every individual check their hearts, motives and desires on the trip asking God for any blind spots that we may have and for Grace to help us to repent and change. It is my fault and responsibility as a leader if we had continued living the trip the way we did! We even dropped our strong routine momentum of teaching the CI curriculum and changed it to emphasizing on teaching AGAPE love to the kids. This weeks kids couldn't understand much English, neither did they have the opportunity to learn 'complicated' words such as responsibility, design, ownership, etc. The curriculum was excellent, but too full of different colors of God's nature for the kids to understand. We didn't want to go with the flow, run the show, teach the curriculum and have the kids totally forget everything they learned in the seminar while went home sharing pictures and stories of what we did with the kids. We decided to focus on the white light instead of the seven colors. We decided to teach the DEEP power of God's Agape love and if all else fails with them forgetting responsibility, design, ownership, suffering, contentment etc, they will never forget the ONE thing we taught them. LOVE NEVER FAILS. We also changed some of the stories tailored for christian kids to stories of salvation and God's powerful amazing love for all of us. Watching the skits help them visualize God's Love as kids learn by visualization.
God totally changed the way we did skits, from trying to make them the funniest most successful skits, to RE-LIVING past legend's experiences and tough choices.
Fun is not a bad thing, but it should not be our focus! Fun will follow behind our mission! We were almost heading down the trip as FUN being our entire MISSION FOR THE ENTIRE TRIP!!!!! I truly thank God for revealing our faults and errors to me, saving my life and the team member's as well from living a dangerous dead routine of fun in the name of missions! God is SOOOO Good and He is taking our second week to a new HIGHER level of experiencing Him and his deep ways! We are growing more in Christ like maturity and are starting to see things through the eyes of God and not our own! Praise our mighty God, ALL the Glory belongs to Him :)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Pictures from KL and Penang!
More will come soon. Enjoy!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Our first night went quite well!!! Most teams had a good night, and others struggled to communicate with the orphan children who come from a place called "Rifle Range." From what I've heard, it is extremely difficult for them to live there and it is not pleasant. Their lives are quite dismal and being underprivileged is normal there! It is evident that we will need God's grace working through us this week as we seek to show these poor children God's love. God can move mountains on our behalf! The language is also a difficulty - most of the Indian children cannot speak English well, if at all, and that presents a difficulty when trying to explain spiritual themes and character qualities.
One thing that I should mention, our team has wonderful unity! We are working quite well together, and everyone is in good spirits. Continue to pray that God will bless our efforts as we humble ourselves before Him and let Him use us :-)
We're in Penang!
Alright! We're all settled in and had our first day of the seminar - super amazing! God was really with us through lots of prayer.
We have 21 children from an underprivileged place called Rifle Range who don't speak very good English and come from unloved & abusive backgrounds.
One of those children is that little gentleman in the blue. He is certainly keeping his guardian Mr John occupied for the night. Not all the kids are peachy as there are certain racial stigmas in their interaction with the church-going children.
Please pray for & with us, God has something up His sleeves and we desire to be more dependent on Him daily. We pray He breaks us into a whole 'nutha level!
Praise God!
Eunice Peh
A Video from the Orphanage in KL, Malaysia
This is a video from Konner's camera of our AMAZING and incredible time at the Stepping Stones Living Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Reflecting the diversity of Malaysia, we sang the song in FOUR different languages! Malay, English, Chinese & Tamil!
Malay: Soraklah, Hallelujah - HEY!
English: Shout for joy, Hallelujah!
Chinese: Zhanmei Zhu, Hallelujah!
Tamil: Arrpadepum, Hallelujah!!
Ps Johnson & his team at Stepping Stones are doing a wonderful work among one of the more underprivileged children in Malaysia. God bless him! What a privilege to have been with them. You can read about our post more below :-)
Visit their website here or check out their facebook page. (become a fan!)
Hi from vick!
This is Victor Peh here, and my update of the South East Asia trip so far!
Ahem... I just wanna say how AMAZZZIIINNNG God has been to me and the whole team this FIRST week! I have never heard such fantastic cool down reviews during the second day ( first week ) ever before! It usually takes us about a week and over before the teachers start getting into the stride of teaching, but this year has been totally different. I sincerely feel that the team this year has a GENUINE love for the kids, and they are so willing to listen and learn, we have had so much fun doing class simulations where 6 of us would take random pieces of papers which have different kid "problems" or unique characteristics such as ( shy guy, over talkative, bully, distracting, cry baby, spoiled, teacher's pet, side tracker etc.) It was LOTS of fun acting those roles out and watching how the team leaders would cope with their special bunch in their own unique different ways. At the end of the simulation, we would discuss what were the things that were done well, and what we could do to improve in the future.
As for me personally, I have been learning to TOTALLY rely on God for strength and wisdom during the large group stories. I usually like to plan and KNOW what I am doing before i do something, but this year... unfortunately... I was only given bits and pieces of SOME stories which were for the most part incomplete. I never knew what story I was going to tell until the very last 15 minutes. God gave me the creativity to come up with new stories to replace the ones i didn't know about, and they really turned out well ( to my surprise! ) there were several times I seriously didn't know what I was going to say until the VERY LAST MINUTE!!!
I was worried before the trip about the fact that I was inexperienced, untrained, and inadequate to lead the team this year. I felt unworthy, which I REALLY was. But God told me that He didn't need a bunch of pros in order to make his power known, all He needed was a bunch of willing 'rascals' such as myself! And He truly has shown his power through all of us. We were never called to be perfect, but to be completely broken and submissive with our WHOLE hearts to the Lord 100%. And that was enough for the Lord to work mighty wonders through us. I feel like as a team, we really do have unity through having the same mind, Same mission and the SAME LOVE and passion for the Lord. This likemindedness truly does bring unity to our team, and if one member suffers, we all suffer. We have been upholding each other in prayer every day on this trip. Devotions have been great, and the members are being TRUE LEADERS on the team even though they don't have the "TITLE" of being leaders or staff. I am learning so much from these silent leaders on the team, and am experiencing such a fruitful time so far :) What helped me to keep going on was thinking of the verse in the Bible which says; " the joy of the Lord is my strength" As long as I can picture us bringing gladness to God's heart, I feel strengthened in some unexplainable way to keep going on!
We have had a great first week and there are greater things yet to come! The blessings on the trip would not have been possible if not for all the people praying for us from all over the world before and even now during the trip, so thank you very much and keep praying for us !
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Day 6: Thursday, 3rd June 2010
Today was amazing! We started out with some yummy food for the tummy. Fresh FRUIT!!!! It was so good! Dragon fruit, lychee, rambutun, mango steen, and the list goes on…. It all was so delicious. Then we had some good worship and spiritual food (devotions). Some of us then went to have Indian food. Yummm, it was so good, and even eating with your fingers. =) I haven't gotten scared of any of the food so far. I'm loving it! Then we had teacher training for this evening and for all day Saturday. Victor and Eunice have been doing an amazing job leading the team which really helps us as a team to strive. Had our forth night which I think has been the best so far as Priscilla, Janet, and I concluded tonight. The kids seem to understand the concepts of suffering as a blessing and forgive is something we all need to do. The shy ones seemed to warm-up and the rowdy ones seemed to cool down a little, which was very nice, too! It has also been really neat to see God work in the lives of those around us too, God has and is doing AMAZING things! And I feel honor by God to be a part of it…
Prayer requests:
Health of the team – Some of the team has not been feeling so well, so please prayer for healing and protection of any sicknesses for the healthy ones
Excitedness and willingness to learn from the kids –Pray that God would help the kids to continue to be willing and excited to learn and apply the things they have been learning
Strength and unity as a team
Tomorrow we go swimming with the elephants!
Thank you so much for each one of your prayers, It's a true blessing from God!!! He is doing great things for His kingdom here in Malaysia!
Laura Straub for the team
Day 5: Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Goodmorning Everyone!
It is about 12:30 am here in Kuala Lampur and today went very well! We got up this morning and met for breakfast downstairs before leaving for the orphanage. The orphanage is called "stepping stones," and it is an openly Christian institution for orphans and underprivileged children. When we got to the orphanage it was approximately 10:30 in the morning and the children were all smiling and very happy to see us. It was so wonderful to see where they live, and to interact with them. I packed my puppet, and the kids just loved it! they put their hands in his mouth, tugged on his hair, pulled on his sleeves and laughed like crazy while i made his head move around and opened and closed his mouth. Then our leaders, Victor and Eunice, led us all in a few songs and we played a couple of group games.
One thing that happened that was kinda scary was while we were singing "shout for joy, Hallelujah," Timmy jumped up (one of the actions in the song) and one of the fans caught his hand pretty good. He said it didn't hurt, but we got it under alcohol and antiseptic pretty quickly so it would be able to stay clean and heal. Immediately, we stopped everything and had a word of prayer for him, and then we started singing again!
The net thing on the agenda was a skit put on by 6 members of the team. It was called "Mrs. Hockenstock." Essentially, the teacher Mrs. Hockenstock, had a Very Very Very Special Book that nobody was allowed to touch until after recess. When the class was out to recess and the teacher was out of sight, one of the children came back into the class and looked in the book. THEN, one of the other kids came in and frightened the person looking at the book and they ripped it! then the rest of the skit revolves around the teacher asking who did it. One child said aliens tore the pages, one said that they did it (trying to be sacrificial and lie to protect someone else), another simply acted crazy and senseless and the last one simply cried (they were guilty :-) ). The moral of the story was to show that telling lies is wrong and that eventually your sins truly will "find you out!"
The CI tonight was wonderful as well! My team was very cooperative and we enjoyed a great game called "Wack-o!" We had all the children stand in a circle and one person in the middle was supposed to "whack" the person whose name was called with a magazine. But if the person whose name was called said someone else's name before the "monkey in the middle" hit them, then that would be the new target, and you continue until someone can't say another person's name fast enough. Our kids really enjoyed it and Liz did a great job of getting the kids to interact and talk with each other :-) I love having an assistant!
Praise God that both Rosalee and Priscilla Keller are feeling somewhat better! Rosalee has been feeling a bit under the weather and stayed at the hotel to rest all day today, but Priscilla's voice is slowly coming back :-) We are glad that they are getting better, but please continue to keep them in your prayers.
A couple things to remember for the team as you pray:
1. That God will bless our efforts as we seek to glorify Him.
2. That we will keep up our energy for the children, especially as we anticipate the 8 hr day of CI on Saturday.
3. For the health of each team member. Not only is it difficult to stay healthy as we have so much to do, but we are around children and a lot of them. It is very easy to be exposed to a lot of sickness in a night.
4. That God prepares the way for the next CI!!! :-) We have so much to look forward to in the weeks and days ahead!
Lewis Carter
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Day 4: Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Rosalee led us in worship and Konner shared an excellent message from the book "Change my Attitude before it's Too Late". We learnt that situations can't be changed but we can CHOOSE our attitudes!
We went for an Indian lunch where we had roti canai, roti tissue, curry, dhal and wonderful iced milo. Apparently it was one of the best meals of the trip :-)
Back at the hotel, we had teacher training, another round of a typical Small Group and ended with strong prayer.
Tonight was a really good night!!!!!! Everyone came back with glowing reviews and we really know it is because of His grace because of prayer. The magic of CI was really turned on today.
"We can do more after praying but we cannot do anything until we have prayed".
Tim shared a very memorable line during cool down: "Now that we've had crafts & lessons down, we must focus on prayer to reach hearts".
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
First Day of the First Seminar! (Day 3: Monday, 31 May 2010)
We had another small group session, did another craft with the kids, then went back to our hotel and had a “cool down” session. In the cool down session we talked about our groups, our kids, and how we could improve the next day. We also sang some songs, had prayer, and went to bed.
Elijah Kaneshiro
- God to change the hearts of all the children attending regardless of the different age groups & needs.
- The teachers to be sensitive to God’s voice & the needs of the children.
Day 2: Sunday, May 30, 2010




After lunch, those of us who arrived late received teacher training. Eight of us arrived late. Seven of us spent the night in Tokyo, when our flight was delayed for four hours, and we missed our flight to Singapore. After training, we ate a more normal dinner, and then went to sleep.
Please continue to pray for us.
Toby Lentine