Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Monday: Day One in Singapore

Ruthann here, writing from Singapore! I think I'm still a bit in shock when I think about the fact that my home is on the other side of the planet and I'm HERE in SOUTHEAST ASIA!! God is just kind of amazing like that. I wouldn't have imagined myself coming on this trip but following God takes you on the biggest adventures of life, right? I'm loving Asia and the people here. And the food too, lah!

Today, after getting to sleep wayyy in (thank you Konner and Eunice!), we started the first night of CI in Singapore. Have to confess I was rather intimidated by the stories of past seminars in Singapore! I think we were all a little nervous! But the first night went really well overall. It was so much different than last week's full-day seminars in Malaysia. The three hours went by so fast and the energy and excitement of the kids was contagious! It's been 10 years since I've done a CI and I forgot how much fun it is. :-D Please be praying for all of the kids attending the Singapore CI. Our goal is to communicate the love of God to them and our prayer is that God would change their perspective on life from self-focused, achievement and status-driven perfection to truly desiring to know and love God for the rest of their lives.

This morning God blew me away with a glimpse of my underlying mission and passion for this trip, and not only for this trip but I think also for my whole life and that is THAT IN ALL THINGS CHRIST MIGHT BE PREEMINENT. Underneath the principles and character, the stories and crafts and [very] funny skits, I want Jesus Christ to be glorified, lifted high, given His rightful place of first.

That keeps me on my knees.

"And he [CHRIST] is before all things, and in him all things hold together...he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross." Colossians 1:17-20

Signing off in Singapore...



  1. Wonderful to hear how things are going. Many prayers are being lifted up for the children and the team members. God bless each one of you as you are fitted into HIS purpose for this amazing trip.

  2. That's so awesome! Thanks for sharing, Ruthann! Wow, I'm stoked you are on the other side of the globe!!! Say hi to Singapore for me! I MISS IT!!!

  3. Praying for you Ruthann! I'm so glad you got to go! We need to catch up when you get back. :)


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