Tuesday, April 27, 2010


We are now in the preparation stages of the Southeast Asia CI Missions Team 2010!

Myself and Victor Peh will be leading the team this year and ma-hhaa-ssively excited for what God has in store for His people (us!) as we pray, seek His face and do His work here on earth (CI 2010!).

"Lord, we give our lives to you and we pray earnestly before you that YOU be Glorified in the work of our hands through the work on our knees for SEA CI 2010 and let us be impacted for the rest of our lives. We pray that you give us creative ideas and initiative to be faithful in preparing for CI diligently and a UNITY as the Body of Christ, completely washed of self and filled with your Holy Spirit. Help us come with hearts ready to see YOUR harvest, which is READY but the labourers are indeed few. We your labourers submit to you our Head. In Christ alone be our glory! Amen"


We are so privileged and full of joy that a team is actually coming to our home countries for change in our land!


"Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise from the ends of the earth,
you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it,
Isaiah 42:10-13, 16b

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